Insurance | Barber Insurance and Real Estate
Welcome to Barber Insurance! Our team of professionals have been working with the Insurance industry for over 20 years. We can help with all your insurance needs.
We hope your visit will help you understand the ins and outs of getting the appropriate product and coverage's to suit your needs. Weather it's personal, health, life or disability insurance - the team here at Barber will make it both easy to choose and simple to understand the appropriate coverage options available.
We work with all the major insurance companies and will shop those companies to find the most suitable protection at the competitive prices available to ensure you get the proper protection at an affordable rate.
If at any time, you have a question or are not sure about what options are best suited to the needs of you and your family please give us a call.
Auto Insurance
Whether you're buying your first car or your teenager is just about to get behind the wheel, there are plenty of reasons to purchase auto insurance. You want to protect the people and things that are important to you.
Auto insurance can help:
• Safeguard your investment in your automobile
• Pay for medical expenses in case of an accident
• Provide financial protection from lawsuits
• Cover losses caused by uninsured or underinsured drivers
• Pay for damage due to theft, vandalism or natural disasters
Auto insurance helps you to meet whatever might be coming down the road with a greater peace of mind.
Home Insurance
There’s a lot to know about Property Insurance. From learning how it can help protect you and your assets…to choosing the right insurance company…to deciding what coverage options are right for you. Whether you're renting, building a new home, buying a home or moving, it's important to understand the whole picture and make an educated decision about what is right for you. Explore answers to those questions and more here. You can even learn how you might be able to save some money along the way with our special property discounts. Then request a quote online.
Business Insurance
I have a small business, why do I need insurance? There are many coverage options available that can help you protect your business property, inventory and vehicles.
If you own or manage a business you face numerous risks such as:
• damage to your building or business property
• damage to your business vehicles
• liability exposures resulting from the operation of your business
• loss of income
• theft, robbery, even employee dishonesty
Financial Services
As professionals and individuals we each assume significant financial risks whether or not we recognize or are aware of them. They are significant. If we choose not to defer the risk, the effect can be "catastrophic" to us individually and to our families. The proper use of risk analysis and implementation of a risk management plan is crucial to our livelihoods and the well being of our families.
Remember this rule of risk management:
People should defer all risk deemed "catastrophic" in their individual financial situation to someone or something else. (This is why banks require fire insurance on all homes they lend against - an uninsured house that burns down is a total loss with the exception of the building lot.)
• Life Insurance is designed for the purpose of providing for beneficiaries in the event of the insured's death. Insurance proceeds provide income for dependents, payment of estate taxes (in the event of a taxable estate), wealth replacement, or charitable purposes.
• Disability insurance is a type of insurance policy that insures that a person receives long term financial benefits in the event of an accident that leads to an inability to work or function, or if a person becomes afflicted with an illness, leaving them unable to work. Disability insurance benefits can be disbursed either as a short-term disability, and long-term disability.
• Long term care insurance is an insurance product which pays for long term care services in many settings, such as at home, a nursing home, assisted living facility, and adult day care facility. Many people elect to buy long term care insurance so they will not need to deplete their savings should they need long term care services. Long term care insurance can help ensure that financial resources and support are in place when you need them.